Cairns Escape

Due to the current COVID-19 virus, and a recent family matter. Our planed holiday to Bali was deferred, then canceled. So to keep the holiday time period, within 24 hours, a trip to Cairns was organised.

Two days in a rented private apartment overlooking the marina, and easy walking distance to shops, restaurants, and even the casino if one desired. Then it was off to Port Douglas, and six days of exploring. Options in most places were restricted, mainly due to road closures through flooding. Mosman Gourge had restrictions due to maintance work being carried out to the boardwalk. This virus outbreak has effected everyone, tour operators, restaurants, shops, tourist attractions.

A good percentage of road travel can be done in a two wheel drive car. But if one wishes to do the Bloomfield Track, a 4WD is recommended. I had wanted to visit the ruins of a gold mining town near Petford, but 30 kilometres of dirt road stopped us from going further. Even with a 4WD, visiting Maytown was out of the question. 80 kilometres of dirt road, and severe flooding would be a challenge! Travelling between Port Douglas and Cooktown on the Mulligan Highway, extreme caution has to be taken, as there are no fences, and cattle, along with horses, roam the road.

Extreme caution, and an awareness of your surroundings, also has to be exercised around the open ocean and rivers, creeks, or any body of water. Salt Water Crocodiles, Fresh Water Crocodiles, and Stingers ( Irukandji ) could change your holiday plans.


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