Australia Day Long Weekend

  Road Trip Time

Our road trip started near Camden heading towards Penrith,and then through the townships that make up the Blue Mountains heading towards Lithgow. From this point on,new adventures were awaiting us. Let the Australia Day long weekend start, with new digital memories.

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Exploring Sydney

My Mate Malcolm and I thought we would do something silly,  like get out of a warm bed at 3am and get ready to make our way into the city.  I arrived just before 4am at Malcolm's for the drive into the city.  Our chances of a good morning were already slim with a weather forecast predicting rain.

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Defenceless against Graffiti

A trip exploring in search of what seems the elusive defence bunkers that are now defenceless against the constant barrage of spray can attack.  A return visit with torch is needed to explore the side tunnels and rooms that fan out under the hill.

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June Long Weekend

Over the June long weekend we headed down to Gerringong, to spend three days exploring from Kiama to Point Perpendicular. And on the way home, a stop at Bald Hill to watch Hang Gliders in action.

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Nature Track Circuit

Nature Track is one of those walks you can walk around in an hour, or alternatively explore for half the day. Heathland views, hidden pools and fern-lined creeks make for many lovely diversions along the way.

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Bearded Bakers

The popular Knafeh Bakery — which operates out of a shipping container, is the brain child of brothers  Ameer and Joey El-Issa. And they have become known as the “Bearded Bakers” 

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